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Text File | 2001-06-01 | 77.4 KB | 3,102 lines
; $VER: MuInstall 40.9 (31.5.2001) ; Script to install the MuLib version 42.9 ; © 2000,2001 THOR - Software ; ; Based on MMULib_Install 1.1 by Simon N Goodwin ; (02.06.2000) ; ; The installer software is copyrighted © 1993 Amiga Inc. ; Amiga is a registered trademark of Amiga ; ;==Procedures================================================================== ; ; Some useful procedures follow... ; ;************************************************************************* ;** TERMINATE ** ;** called upon termination, removes assigns etc,etc, ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure TERMINATE (makeassign "..MU..") ) ;************************************************************************* ;** CAT_OLD ** ;** concatenate #name to #oldfiles if #target #name exists ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_CAT_OLD #name ( (if (exists (tackon #target #name)) (set #oldfiles (cat #oldfiles #name "\n")) ) )) ;************************************************************************* ;** COPY_OLD ** ;** copy file #name from #target to #stash_old ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_COPY_OLD #name ( (if (exists (tackon #target #name)) ( (if (exists (tackon #stash_old #name)) (delete (tackon #stash_old #name)) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #target #name)) (dest (tackon #stash_old #name)) ) ) ) )) ;************************************************************************* ;** P_COPYCPU ** ;** copy the cpu library #name to #proc-dest ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_COPYCPU #name ( (copyfiles (prompt (#cpu-copy #name)) (help #copy-proclib-help) (source ("..MU..:Libs/%s.library" #name)) (dest #proc-dest) ) )) ;************************************************************************* ;** P_MMUVERSION ** ;** set #need-mmuconfig to 1 if the argument is a V40 (MMU) processor ** ;** library. ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_MMUVERSION #name ( (if (exists (tackon #proc-dest #name)) ( (set #libver (/ (getversion (tackon #proc-dest #name)) 65536)) (if (= #libver 40) (set #need-mmuconfig 1) ) ) ) )) ;************************************************************************* ;** P_PATCH_REPLACE ** ;** replace the command #rplc by #dest in the startup-sequence ** ;** found in #startup-path and #user-path ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_PATCH_REPLACE ( ( (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) (run ("..MU..:Install/SED FROM \"%s\" TO T:__tempfile__ MATCH \"({}|{#[~;]+[ \\t]}#[~; \\t][/:]|{}#[~; \\t][/:]|{#[~;]+[ \\t]})%s{|[ \\t;]#?}\" CHANGE \"{1}%s{2}\"" #startup-path #rplc #dest)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ TO \"%s\"" #startup-path)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) (if (<> #user-path #startup-path) (if (exists #user-path) ( (run ("..MU..:Install/SED FROM \"%s\" TO T:__tempfile__ MATCH \"({}|{#[~;]+[ \\t]}#[~; \\t][/:]|{}#[~; \\t][/:]|{#[~;]+[ \\t]})%s{|[ \\t;]#?}\" CHANGE \"{1}%s{2}\"" #user-path #rplc #dest)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ TO \"%s\"" #user-path)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) ) ) ) ) )) ;************************************************************************* ;** P_PATCH_REMOVE ** ;** remove the command #rplc by adding a semicolon in the ** ;** startup-sequence found in #startup-path and #user-path ** ;************************************************************************* (procedure P_PATCH_REMOVE ( ( (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) (run ("..MU..:Install/SED FROM \"%s\" TO T:__tempfile__ MATCH \"{(|#[~;]+[ \\t]#[~; \\t][/:]|#[~; \\t][/:]|#[~;]+[ \\t])%s(|[ \\t;]#?)}\" CHANGE \";{1}\"" #startup-path #rplc)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ TO \"%s\"" #startup-path)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) (if (<> #user-path #startup-path) (if (exists #user-path) ( (run ("..MU..:Install/SED FROM \"%s\" TO T:__tempfile__ MATCH \"{(|#[~;]+[ \\t]#[~; \\t][/:]|#[~; \\t][/:]|#[~;]+[ \\t])%s(|[ \\t;]#?)}\" CHANGE \";{1}\"" #user-path #rplc)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ TO \"%s\"" #user-path)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__") (safe)) ) ) ) ) ) )) ;==Strings===================================================================== ; ; In the following, we initialize the english strings we might need ; in a localized version, only the following section must be translated ; (set #default_lang 1) ; Generic answers (set #yes "Yes") (set #no "No") ; A 68000 or 68010 has been detected, bail out (set #senseless (cat "Installation of the MuLib package on a 68000/68010 system does " "not make much sense. Abort installation?\n" )) ; Help message for the above (set #senseless-help (cat "Even though the mmu.library will run on a 68000 or 68010 based " "systems, installation on these systems does not make much sense " "because they do not provide a MMU that is handled and programmed " "by this library. Therefore, almost all functions of the mmu.library " "will not be available for programs and most of the MuTools will " "not work on your system.\n" )) ;User selected abortion of the installation. (set #canceled (cat "You aborted the installation process." )) ; Destination disk (set #which-disk (cat "On which disk should the MuLib be installed?" )) ; Destination disk help (set #which-disk-help (cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which disk the " "MuLib files should be installed. These should normally go in the same " "location as the Workbench files, i.e. the boot partition or -disk.\n\n" @askdir-help )) ; Important assigns are missing (set #no-assign (cat "\nThe destination has to be a system disk. The drawers S,DEVS,LIBS " "and C must exist there.\n\n" )) ; Directory where old files should be kept (set #old-name (cat "OLD" )) ; Move old files? (set #move-old (cat "\n\nDo you want to backup the following files " "to the \"%s\" drawer?\n\n%s" )) (set #move-old-help (cat "\nInstalling the MuLib will replace or update some current Workbench " "and system files. " "In order to preserve any changes you have previously made to these " "files, the installation process will copy them to the \"%s\" drawer " "where they can be found later on." )) (set #move-old-copy (cat "Copy" )) (set #move-old-skip (cat "Skip" )) ; Ask for the source of the installation (set #ask-mu (cat "Please locate the MuLib source directory:" )) (set #ask-mu-help (cat "Please specify here the directory where you've unpacked the " "archive to. The default I selected for you should work in " "(almost) all cases, so don't worry about selecting another " "source.\n\n" @askdir-help )) (set #where-multiview (cat "Please pick your prefered AmigaGuide® viewer:" )) (set #where-multiview-help (cat "The installer procedure needs to know the path to MultiView or any " "other AmigaGuide® browser to show an introductory text to the MuLib " "and it's installation. Please use the requester to select it.\n" @askfile-help )) ; Ask user for P5 illnesses (set #ask-p5 (cat "Do you use a Phase 5 accelerator board?" )) (set #ask-p5-help (cat "Unfortunately, Phase 5 choose not to make their boards compatible " "to the CBM AutoConfig (tm) standard. This means that some additional " "steps have to be performed to install the mmu.library on these boards.\n" "Typically, this installation script is able to figure this out itself, " "but it might require some help of you to ensure that everything is correct." )) ; Installation of the mmu.library (set #copy-mmulib (cat "The mmu.library will be copied to the LIBS: drawer." )) (set #ask-copy-mmulib (cat "Install the mmu.library?" )) (set #ask-mmulib-dest (cat "Please select the destination for the " "mmu.library." )) (set #copy-mmulib-help (cat "The mmu.library is used by other parts of the MuLib package " "to extend your Amiga's operating system, so that it uses " "memory management to make it more robust and efficient.\n\n" "This library is the essential component needed by all " "other parts this MuLib package. The other parts are " "optional and can be selected at will, once the library is" "available.\n" "It will occupy approximately 40K of space on your " "SYS: partition, and it should go to a location where " "the system will be able to find libraries. The recommendation " "is to copy it to the LIBS: directory." )) ; Update of SetPatch strings (set #ask-patch-setpatch (cat "Do you want to update SetPatch to determinate and load the correct " "processor libraries?" )) (set #ask-patch-setpatch-help (cat "The Commodore version of SetPatch will load 68040.library if " "it detects a 68040 or later chip; it will not try to load a " "processor driver for the 68020 or 68030, and it does not distinguish " "between the 68040 and the 68060 processor. Therefore, a 68040 dummy " "library is required for 68060 based boards.\n" "The updated SetPatch will, instead, load the 680x0.library which in " "turn will be able to initialize the correct processor driver.\n" "This allows to setup a system in a way that will work regardless of the " "available processor, without the need to install or remove processor " "libraries." )) (set #ask-lib0x0-dest (cat "Where to install the 680x0.library?" )) (set #ask-lib0x0-dest-help (cat "The new SetPatch release requires the 680x0.library to detect " "the installed processor and to boot the correct processor " "driver.\n" "The library should go into the LIBS: assign since it is required " "very early on bootstrap - namely by SetPatch." )) (set #ask-setpatch (cat "Please locate the SetPatch command:" )) (set #setpatch-is-patched (cat "The version of SetPatch you are using has been updated already." )) (set #setpatch-unknown (cat "The version of SetPatch you are using is unknown to the installation " "script and cannot be updated, sorry. Please try to download the 43.6 " "edition, or buy Os 3.5 to get the 44.xx editions." )) (set #copy-new-setpatch (cat "Installing the new release of SetPatch." )) (set #copy-lib0x0 (cat "Installing the 680x0.library." )) ; Installation of the mmu.library based processor libraries (set #which-proclibs (cat "Replace which processor libraries by MuLib specific libs:" )) (set #copy-proclib-help (cat "The MuLib archive comes with new mmu.library based processor " "libraries that make use of the functions of the mmu.library " "to construct the MMU setup. This has the advantage that these " "libraries are typically shorter and use less memory than the " "generic libraries. The installation of these libraries is, " "however, optional. The mmu.library will work happily on top of " "any processor library - this setup might just waste some memory, " "but might be easier to setup for exotic or not so well behaived " "boards.\n" "These libraries should go to the LIBS: directory where they can be " "found by either SetPatch or the 680x0.library." )) (set #ask-proclib (cat "Replace the processor library by a MuLib specific lib?" )) (set #ask-proclib-dest (cat "Where to install the processor driver libraries:" )) (set #cpu-copy (cat "Installing the %s.library..." )) (set #build-config (cat "Build now the MMU-Configuration file?" )) (set #build-config-help (cat "If you installed the MuLib specific processor libraries, " "you need to generate a configuration file for the mmu.library " "which is required to build the proper MMU setup. This setup file " "will be generated automatically by the installation procedure. " )) (set #overwrite-config (cat "Overwrite the existing MMU-Configuration file?" )) (set #ask-config-dest (cat "Where to install the MMU-Configuration file:" )) (set #ask-config-help (cat #build-config-help "It should go into the ENVARC: directory. The only alternative " "location would be the DEVS: assign.\n" "Note that the mmu.library is run very early in your setup, namely " "by SetPatch. This requires that the directory you pick now is really " "part of the ENVARC: or DEVS: assigns at this stage of the boot up " "process." )) (set #config-copy (cat "Now installing the MMU-Configuration..." )) (set #where-startup (cat "Please locate the active Startup-Sequence:" )) (set #where-startup-help (cat "Please click on the file that acts as Startup-Sequence in your " "system. I need the true Startup-Sequence, not the User-Startup.\n" "The choice presented here by the installer script should be fine " "already.\n" @askfile-help )) (set #where-user (cat "Please locate the active User-Startup:" )) (set #where-user-help (cat "Please click on the file that acts as User-Startup in your " "system. I need the real User-Startup, not the Startup-Sequence.\n" "The choice presented here by the installer script should be fine " "already.\n" "In case you do not have a User-Startup, please select the " "Startup-Sequence again.\n" @askfile-help )) (set #install-bppcfix (cat "Install and run BPPCFix on startup?" )) (set #install-bppcfix-help (cat "BPPCFix is a tiny program provided by Frank Wille which removes " "the resident ppc and 68040/68060 libraries from some P5 based boards. " "You should run it in case the ppc.library is ROM resident in your " "processor board, or if the 68040/68060.library is resident and should " "be replaced the MuLib based processor library. " "Otherwise, especially if you do not own a P5 board, you may simply skip " "this step." )) (set #set-bppcline (cat "Please edit the BPPCFix command line, check \"HELP...\" for all options:" )) (set #set-bppcline-help (cat "The command line picked by the installer will be good enough, typically, " "but experts might want to fine-tune it.\n" "The following command line switches are known:\n" "\nInstall: Install BPPCFix if it isn't installed already." "\nRemove: Remove BPPCFix (not useful here)." "\n040: Remove resident processor libraries as well." "\nReboot: Reboot the system if BPPCFix is not yet resident." "This is not necessary if SetPatch invokes a reboot anyhow." )) (set #where-bppcfix (cat "Where to install BPPCFix:" )) (set #where-bppcfix-help (cat "Please pick a directory where BPPCFix should be placed. " "Note that this directory must be available on startup. By default, " "this should be the C: assign.\n" @askdir-help )) (set #fix-bvision (cat "Adapt the BVisionPPC monitor driver?" )) (set #fix-cvision (cat "Adapt the CVisionPPC monitor driver?" )) (set #fix-bcvision-help (cat "The BVisionPPC and CVisionPPC CyberGraphics monitor drivers depend unfortunately " "on some undocumented internals of the P5 68040 or 68060.libraries. " "Therefore, it will fail if used together with the MuLib based " "processor libraries unless it is patched to use the p5emu.library " "which is build by the P5Init command in the MMU-Configuration.\n" "In case you do not own a BVisionPPC or CVisionPPC graphics card, you may simply " "ignore this question and proceed." )) (set #where-bvision (cat "Where is the BVisionPPC monitor driver:" )) (set #where-cvision (cat "Where is the CVisionPPC monitor driver:" )) (set #where-bvision-help (cat "Please locate here the BVisionPPC monitor driver to make it MuLib " "conformal.\n" #fix-bcvision-help "\n" @askfile-file )) (set #where-cvision-help (cat "Please locate here the CVisionPPC monitor driver to make it MuLib " "conformal.\n" #fix-bcvision-help "\n" @askfile-file )) (set #pick-mutools (cat "Please pick the MuTools you want to install:" )) (set #pick-mutools-help (cat "The MuTools are a collection of mmu.library based tools that " "replace other non-MuLib-conformal MMU hacks. They are written in " "a way such that all of them co-operate nicely.\n" "The following tools are available:\n" "\nMuFastRom: Speedup the system by mirroring the kickstart ROM in RAM." "\nMuFastZero: Speedup the system by relocating the first RAM page from" "chip RAM to fast RAM." "\nMuMove4K: Startup tool to allow MuFastZero to mirror the system base " "library in fast RAM as well if required." "\nMuScan: Prints the MMU setup." "\nMuForce: The version 40 of Mike Sinz' \"Enforcer\" debugging tool." "\nMuGuardianAngel: MuForce \"add-on\" tool to detect illegal accesses. This " "is a MungWall/GuardianAngel super-set." "\nMuOmniSCSIPatch: Makes the Guru-ROM (omniscsi.device) MMU-aware for " "virtual memory applications." "\nMuSetCacheMode: MMU table fine tuning tool for experts." "\nMuFastChip: Speedup chip memory accesses for third-party processor " "libraries." "\nMuEVD: MuLib driven ShapeShifter video driver." "\nMuLockLib: Load and lock the MuLib in memory on startup." "\nMuLink: MuLib driven code protection post processing tool for " "developers." "\nMuProtectModules:Write-protects disk-based resident modules loaded by " "LoadModule of the same author." "\n\n" "More about the tools can be found in the specific AmigaGuide files in the " "MuTools directory of the MuLib distribution." )) (set #where-mutools (cat "Where should I install the MuTools?" )) (set #where-mutools-help (cat "Please pick a directory into which the MuTools will be installed. " "No sub-directory will be created.\n" @askdir-help )) (set #where-mutool-guide (cat "Where should I install the MuTools documentation?" )) (set #where-mutool-guide-help (cat "Please pick a directory into which the MuTools documentation, i.e. the " "manuals in AmigaGuide format, should be installed. No sub-directory " "will be created.\n" "Typically, you want to keep the documentation along with the tools.\n" @askdir-help )) (set #startup-mufastrom (cat "Shall I run MuFastROM on startup?" )) (set #startup-mufastrom-help (cat "MuFastROM is a MuLib based tool that remaps the kickstart ROM " "into RAM, hence boosting the system at the cost of 512K of fast " "RAM space. It should be run in the startup-sequence." )) (set #startup-mufastrom-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #startup-mufastzero (cat "Shall I run MuFastZero on startup?" )) (set #startup-mufastzero-help (cat "MuFastZero is a MuLib based zero page remapper. It will relocate " "the first memory page from chip memory to fast memory and will " "therefore make interrupt processing a little bit faster. It should " "be run in the startup-sequence." )) (set #remap-exec (cat "Shall MuFastZero remap SysBase?" )) (set #remap-exec-help (cat "In case your system does not come with auto-configurable fast RAM, " "the system main library will end up in slow chip memory. This option " "will tell MuFastZero to relocate SysBase as well. You do NOT need " "this feature if SysBase is in fast memory anyhow.\n" "This option requires a preparation phase by means of MuMove4K. MuMove4K " "installation will be turned on automatically if you select this option." )) (set #remap-ssp (cat "Shall MuFastZero remap the supervisor stack?" )) (set #remap-ssp-help (cat "The supervisor stack holds temporary information on interrupt " "processing. In case your system does not come with auto-configurable " "fast RAM, the supervisor stack will end up in slower chip memory. " "This option will tell MuFastZero to relocate the stack as well. " "You do NOT need this feature if the supervisor stack is in fast " "memory anyhow." )) (set #startup-mufastzero-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #startup-mumove4k (cat "Run MuMove4K on startup?" )) (set #startup-mumove4k-help (cat "The MuMove4K command is required for the MuFastZero \"FastExec\" " "option, i.e. if you picked "Remap SysBase" above in the MuFastZero " "installation. It relocates the start of the chip memory by 32K, hence " "leaving enough room for the exec.library to be remapped from chip " "memory to fast memory. In case you run PrepareEmul for the ShapeShifter " "preparation, it must be replaced by MuMove4K as well." )) (set #prepareemul (cat "Include the PrepareEmul ShapeShifter setup?" )) (set #prepareemul-help (cat "In case you run the ShapeShifter and hence the PrepareEmul program, " "please replace this program by MuMove4K and the apropriate options " "since MuMove4K is incompatible to PrepareEmul. The apropriate command " "line options will be selected for you." )) (set #edit-mumove4k (cat "Please edit the MuMove4K command line, check \"HELP...\" for all options:" )) (set #edit-mumove4k-help (cat "The following MuMove4K options are available:\n" "\nA1200: Compatibility switch for some P5 boards. If it won't boot without " "this switch, include it." "\nNOREBOOT: Do not reboot the system if MuMove4k is not installed." "\nIGNOREVERIFY: Do not wait until all drives completed verification. Required " "in case MuMove4K aborts booting frequently due to invalidate partitions." "\nPREPAREEMUL: Includes the ShapeShifter PrepareEmul feature." "\nREVERSE: Allocate the memory from \"top down\" instead of \"bottom up\"." "\nLOWPRI: Lowers the priority of the resident segments.\n" )) (set #ask-cybfix (cat "Fix an illegal access in some P5 devices?" )) (set #ask-cybfix-help (cat "Some P5 device drivers like the cybscsi.device and the " "z3scsi.device, and maybe some more, run an illegal memory access " "that will trigger a MuGuardianAngel hit (for good reason!). To avoid " "this hit, you are encouraged to install the \"FixCybAccess\" or the " "\"FixP5Scsi\" program on startup if you own one of these devices. " "It will work around this hit." )) (set #startup-cybfix-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #where-cybfix (cat "Where to install FixCybAccess:" )) (set #where-fixp5scsi (cat "Where to install FixP5Scsi:" )) (set #where-iprefs (cat "Please locate the IPrefs command:" )) (set #where-iprefs-help (cat "The IPrefs release 40.7 (Workbench 3.1) is too low on stack and " "may cause crashes or hangs, especially if you use datatypes to provide " "a background picture for the workbench. At least, however, it will cause " "a lot of (justified!) MuGuardianAngel warnings. This script " "checks the IPrefs version and offers a patch for the 40.7 release if it " "finds this release active. The Os 3.5 release of IPrefs, i.e. version 44.xx, " "does not have this problem and will be safely left alone by the installer." )) (set #ask-iprefs-patch (cat "Increase the IPrefs 40.7 stack size to avoid crashes?" )) (set #where-narrator (cat "Please locate the narrator.device:" )) (set #where-narrator-help (cat "The last narrator device 37.7 (Workbench 2.04) is too low on stack and " "may cause some (justified!) MuGuardianAngel warnings. This script " "checks the narrator.device version and offers a patch for the 37.7 release if it " "finds this release active. If you don't own the narrator.device, you may ignore " "this bug fix silently." )) (set #ask-narrator-patch (cat "Increase the narrator.device 37.7 stack size?" )) (set #where-mfm (cat "Please locate the mfm.device:" )) (set #where-mfm-help (cat "The mfm.device 40.9 (Workbench 3.1) is too low on stack and " "may cause some (justified!) MuGuardianAngel warnings. This script " "checks the mfm.device version and offers a patch for the 40.9 release if it " "finds this release active. If you don't own the mfm.device, or own a different " "release, you may ignore this bug fix silently. Unfortunately, I can't offer a " "patch other releases." )) (set #ask-mfm-patch (cat "Increase the mfm.device 40.9 stack size?" )) (set #fix-omniscsi (cat "Shall I make the OmniSCSI MMU aware?" )) (set #fix-omniscsi-help (cat "The omniscsi.device, part of the Guru-ROM firmware, is " "not MMU aware by default which could cause problems in case " "virtual memory applications are run. The MuOmniSCSIPatch " "program will fix this potential problem if run as part of " "the startup process." )) (set #startup-omniscsi-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #ask-mufastchip (cat "Run MuFastChip on startup?" )) (set #ask-mufastchip-help (cat "MuFastChip will speed up the chip RAM access on some " "machines by selecting a faster caching mode. However, the " "MMU setup will be optimal already in case you use one of the " "MuLib based processor libraries or the P5 libraries. Futhermore, " "MuFastChip will do nothing on 68020 or 68030 based machines.\n" "In these cases, installation is not required." )) (set #startup-mufastchip-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #ask-muprotect (cat "Run MuProtectModules on startup?" )) (set #ask-muprotect-help (cat "MuProtectModules write-protects disk-based resident modules " "that have been made reset-resident by means of the \"LoadModule\" " "program of the same author. These modules are typically Os 3.5 " "or Os 3.9 libraries or devices that replace otherwise ROM resident " "modules.\n" "It does not make sense to install MuProtectModules if " "LoadModule is not used." )) (set #startup-muprotect-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #ask-mulocklib (cat "Run MuLockLib on startup?" )) (set #ask-mulocklib-help (cat "The MuLockLib program is a tiny tool that loads and locks the " "mmu.library in memory such that it cannot be flushed. Since the " "MuLib based processor libraries load and lock the mmu.library anyhow, " "it makes little sense to run MuLockLib with these libraries installed. " "If you use, however, some third party libraries, this tool might help " "to decrease the loading time of the MuTools by providing the library " "right away." )) (set #startup-mulocklib-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #ask-muevd (cat "Install MuEVD into the ShSh video drivers?" )) (set #ask-muevd-help (cat "MuEVD is now installed in the selected MuTools directory, " "but it is a good idea to make it available to the ShapeShifter " "as well by installing it into its video drivers directory." )) (set #where-muevd (cat "Please locate the ShapeShifter video driver directory:" )) (set #ask-muevdset (cat "Install the MuEVD default preferences?" )) (set #ask-muevdset-help (cat "MuEVD keeps its preferences in an editable text file that should be " "kept in EnvArc:. By installing its default preferences explicitly, " "you have a handy template to edit and adjust its preferences.\n" @askdir-help )) (set #where-muevdset (cat "Copy the MuEVD preferences into which drawer:" )) (set #ask-fastieee (cat "Install the FastIEEE speedup?" )) (set #ask-fastieee-help (cat "FastIEEE is a patch of the mathieeexxxx.libraries in LIBS: that will " "speed up these libraries by replacing math instructions that would have " "to be emulated on the 68040 or 68060 to a direct jump into the emulation " "routine itself. This patch requires that the emulator routines are made " "available by the so called \"fpsp.resource\" which has to be build by the " "68040 or 68060.library on startup.\n" "Since the Os 3.9 (V45) math libraries check for this resource themselves, " "FastIEEE is no longer required for the latest Os release." "Currently, only the MuLib based processor libraries offer this feature. " "You cannot run FastIEEE on any third-party libraries." )) (set #where-fastieee (cat "Copy FastIEEE to which directory:" )) (set #startup-fastieee (cat "Run FastIEEE on startup?" )) (set #startup-fastieee-go (cat "The following command is added to the user-startup:\n" )) (set #adapt-guide (cat "Please wait...\nI'm adapting the MMU.guide to the new destination." )) (set #ask-patch-check (cat "Replace popular MMU hacks by the MuTools?" )) (set #ask-patch-check-help (cat "This installation procedure is able to check your startup-sequence for " "some popular MMU hacks and replaces them by the apropriate MuTools if " "installed. Otherwise, the apropriate programs are disabled. Please " "check then your startup-sequence for completeness.\n" "The following changes are made:\n" "SetCPU FastROM, CPU FastROM and QuickROM are replaced by MuFastROM.\n" "Enforcer and CyberGuard are replaced by MuForce.\n" "GuardianAngel, MemSniff, MungWall and Wipeout are disabled. Please add " "MuGuardianAngel by hand yourself.\n" "PrepareEmul is disabled. Either, it was replaced by MuMove4K by the " "installation process, or you have to modify your startup-sequence yourself " "accordingly.\n" "SetCacheMode is replaced by MuSetCacheMode.\n" "SpeedyChip is replaced by MuFastChip.\n" "FastExec is disabled. It has been replaced by MuFastZero by this script, " "otherwise, you've to modify your startup-sequence accordingly." )) (set #replace-quickrom (cat "Replacing ROM remappers by MuFastROM (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-enforcer (cat "Replacing Enforcer by MuForce (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-memsniff (cat "Disabling memory debugging tools (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-prepemul (cat "Disabling PrepareEmul (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-setcachemode (cat "Replacing SetCacheMode (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-speedychip (cat "Replacing SpeedyChip (this may take a while)..." )) (set #replace-fastexec (cat "Replacing FastExec (this may take a while)..." )) (set #exit-text (cat "The MuLib installation is now complete.\n" "Please edit now your startup-sequence and the " "user startup for fine tuning. Consult the MMU.Guide " "for further help about the library and its power." )) ;==Main program starts here==================================================== ;############ ;*** MAIN *** ;############ ;==Get information about this system=========================================== ; ; Initialize some strings ; ;==Get information about this system=========================================== ; ; First, get some information about the system ; (welcome) ; Kickstart version (set #kversion (getversion)) (set #kversion (/ #kversion 65536)) (set #user-level @user-level) (set #cpu (database "cpu")) (set #fpu (database "fpu")) (onerror (TERMINATE)) ;==Initialize some variables (plus documentation) ============================= (set #target "SYS:") ;directory to install the files to (set #musource "/") ;directory to take the sources from, assigned to ..MU..: (set #startup-path (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence")) ;where the startup-sequence can be found (set #user-path (tackon #target "S/User-Startup")) (set #p5mode 0) ;1 if a P5 board (user is queried about this one) (set #ppclib 0) ;1 if ppc.library found (set #libresident 0) ;1 if 68040 or 68060 or ppc.library resident (set #remproc 0) ;1 if BPPCFix must be run to remove the 040 or 060 lib (set #remppc 0) ;1 if BPPCFix must be run to remove the ppc.library (set #install-lib 1) ;1 if mmu.library should be installed (set #patch-setpatch 0) ;1 if SetPatch should be patched to use 680x0 (set #lib0x0-installed 0) ;1 if 680x0.library has been installed (set #allow-020 1) ;1 if it makes sense to allow 68020/68030.lib (set #install-proc 1) ;install processor libraries? (set #need-mmuconfig 0) ;1 if an ENVARC:MMU-Configuration is required (set #need-bppcfix 0) ;1 if BPPCFix should be run (set #need-bcvisionfix 0) ;1 if the BVisionPPC CGfx driver requires fixing (set #need-omniscsifix 0) ;1 if the muomniscsipatch should be installed (set #mulib-proclibs 0) ;1 if MuLib based processor libraries (set #requires-reboot 1) ;1 if a bppcfix/mumove4k should include a reboot (set #new-setpatch 0) ;1 if setpatch has been patched (set #need-mulocklib 1) ;1 if mulocklib should be installed ;==Check whether it makes sense to install the archive at all================== (complete 0) ; ; Check for the processor first ; (if (patmatch "(68000|68010)" #cpu) (if (askbool (prompt #senseless) (help #senseless-help) (default #yes) (choices #yes #no) ) (abort #canceled) ) ) ;==Get target drive============================================================ (complete 3) ; ; Get the target directory of the installation ; (set #old_wb "SYS:") (set #target (askdir (prompt #which-disk) (help #which-disk-help) (disk) (default #old_wb) )) (if (not (and (exists (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence")) (exists (tackon #target "DEVS")) (exists (tackon #target "LIBS")) (exists (tackon #target "C")) (exists (tackon #target "Prefs/Env-Archive")) )) (abort #no-assign) ) ;set @default-dest to user selected target (set @default-dest #target) ;get directory to save old files (set #stash_old (tackon #target #old-name)) ;==Backup old files============================================================ (complete 6) ; ; Make a backup of old files ; (set #startup-sequence "S/Startup-Sequence") (set #lib040 "Libs/68040.library") (set #lib060 "Libs/68060.library") (set #lib040old "Libs/68040old.library") (set #setpatch "C/SetPatch") (set #mmuconfig "Prefs/Env-Archive/MMU-Configuration") (set #mmuconfig-d "Devs/MMU-Configuration") (set #narrator "Devs/narrator.device") (set #iprefs "C/IPrefs") (set #mfm "Devs/mfm.device") (set #bppcfix "C/BPPCFix") (set #bvision "Devs/Monitors/BVisionPPC") (set #cvision "Devs/Monitors/CVisionPPC") (set #mulib "Libs/mmu.library") ;get all existing files (set #oldfiles "") (P_CAT_OLD #startup-sequence) (P_CAT_OLD #lib040) (P_CAT_OLD #lib060) (P_CAT_OLD #lib040old) (P_CAT_OLD #setpatch) (P_CAT_OLD #mmuconfig) (P_CAT_OLD #mmuconfig-d) (P_CAT_OLD #narrator) (P_CAT_OLD #iprefs) (P_CAT_OLD #mfm) (P_CAT_OLD #bppcfix) (P_CAT_OLD #bvision) (P_CAT_OLD #cvision) (P_CAT_OLD #mulib) ;if some oldfiles found (if (<> #oldfiles "") ( (if (askbool (prompt (#move-old #stash_old #oldfiles)) (help (#move-old-help #stash_old)) (choices #move-old-copy #move-old-skip) (default 1) ) ( ; create new directory w icon (makedir #stash_old (infos)) ; create s and devs subdirectory (makedir (tackon #stash_old "S")) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "Libs")) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "C")) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "Devs") (infos)) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "Devs/Monitors") (infos)) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "Prefs") (infos)) (makedir (tackon #stash_old "Prefs/Env-Archive") (infos)) (P_COPY_OLD #startup-sequence) (P_COPY_OLD #lib040) (P_COPY_OLD #lib060) (P_COPY_OLD #lib040old) (P_COPY_OLD #setpatch) (P_COPY_OLD #mmuconfig) (P_COPY_OLD #mmuconfig-d) (P_COPY_OLD #narrator) (P_COPY_OLD #iprefs) (P_COPY_OLD #mfm) (P_COPY_OLD #bppcfix) (P_COPY_OLD #bvision) (P_COPY_OLD #cvision) (P_COPY_OLD #mulib) ) ) ) ) ;==Get installation source===================================================== (complete 9) ; ; if in expert mode, ask the user where to take the source from ; (set #musource "/") (if (> #user-level 1) (set #musource (askdir (prompt #ask-mu) (help #ask-mu-help) (default "/") ) ) ) (makeassign "..MU.." #musource (safe)) ;==Get MultiView=============================================================== (complete 10) (set #multiview-path (tackon #target ("Utilities/Multiview"))) (if (not (exists #multiview-path)) (set #multiview-path (tackon #target ("Tools/Multiview"))) ) (if (not (exists #multiview-path)) (set #multiview-path #target) ) (set #multiview-path (askfile (prompt #where-multiview) (help #where-multiview-help) (default #multiview-path) ) ) (if (<> #multiview-path "") (run ("\"%s\" ..MU..:Readme.First!" #multiview-path) (safe)) ) ;==Get even more information about the system================================== (complete 12) ; ; check for resident libraries and P5 wierdos ; (set #p5mode 0) (set #ppclib 0) (set #libresident 0) (set #remproc 0) (set #remppc 0) (set #need-bcvisionfix 0) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident ppc.library" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) (set #ppclib 1) (set #libresident 1) (set #remppc 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident 68040.library" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) (set #libresident 1) (set #remproc 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident 68060.library" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) (set #libresident 1) (set #remproc 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident 68060quick.library" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) (set #libresident 1) (set #remproc 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident BOOT-MMU-Port" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindPort BOOT-MMU-Port" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) ) ) (if (exists (tackon #target "Libs/ppc.library")) ( (set #p5mode 1) (set #ppclib 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident CyberstormPPC.IDTag" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident CyberstormMK3.IDTag" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) ) ) (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindResident BlizzardPPC.IDTag" (safe) ) 0) ( (set #p5mode 1) ) ) (if (> #user-level 0) (set #p5mode (askbool (prompt #ask-p5) (help #ask-p5-help) (default #p5mode) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) ;==Install the mmu.library===================================================== (complete 16) ; ; check for the destination directory for the library and ask the user ; then copy the library to where it should go ; (set #install-lib 1) (set #lib-dest (tackon #target "LIBS")) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #install-lib (askbool (prompt #ask-copy-mmulib) (help #copy-mmulib-help) (default #install-lib) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #install-lib 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #lib-dest (askdir (prompt #ask-mmulib-dest) (help #copy-mmulib-help) (default #lib-dest) ) ) ) ) (if (= #lib-dest "") (set #install-lib 0) ) (if (= #install-lib 1) (copyfiles (prompt #copy-mmulib) (help #copy-mmulib-help) (source "..MU..:Libs/mmu.library") (dest #lib-dest) ) ) ;==Install the SetPatch upgrade================================================ (complete 19) ; ; ask the user whether to upgrade setpatch for auto-detecting the right ; processor library ; (set #patch-setpatch 0) (set #setpatch-dest (tackon #target "C/SetPatch")) (set #lib0x0-dest (tackon #target "LIBS")) (set #patch-file "") (set #lib0x0-installed 0) (set #new-setpatch 0) ; ; We need the setpatch destination anyhow, so ask about it now ; (if (> #user-level 1) (set #setpatch-dest (askfile (prompt #ask-setpatch) (help #ask-patch-setpatch-help) (default #setpatch-dest) ) ) ) ; ;Use default if the reply is nonsense (if (= #setpatch-dest "") ( (set #patch-setpatch 0) (set #setpatch-dest (tackon #target "C/SetPatch")) ) ) (set #patch-setpatch (askbool (prompt #ask-patch-setpatch) (help #ask-patch-setpatch-help) (default #patch-setpatch) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ; Get the setpatch revision. We need it anyhow. (if (exists #setpatch-dest) ( (set #setpatch-verrev (getversion #setpatch-dest)) (set #setpatch-size (getsize #setpatch-dest)) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 43 65536) 6)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch.pch") ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 2)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch_44.pch") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 6)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch_44_6.pch") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 13)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch_44_13.pch") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 16)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch_44_16.pch") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (AND (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 17)) (<> #setpatch-size 32988)) ( (set #patch-file "SetPatch_44_17.pch") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 43 65536) 7)) ( (set #patch-file "+") ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 3)) ( (set #patch-file "+") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 7)) ( (set #patch-file "+") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 14)) ( (set #patch-file "+") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (AND (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 17)) (= #setpatch-size 32988)) ( (set #patch-file "+") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) (if (= #setpatch-verrev (+ (* 44 65536) 18)) ( (set #patch-file "+") (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) ) ) ; ;The installer script found a new SetPatch release ; (if (= #patch-file "+") (set #new-setpatch 1) ) (if (= #patch-setpatch 1) ( (if (> #user-level 1) (set #lib0x0-dest (askdir (prompt #ask-lib0x0-dest) (help #ask-lib0x0-dest-help) (default #lib0x0-dest) ) ) ) (if (= #lib0x0-dest "") (set #patch-setpatch 0) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-setpatch 1) ( (if (= #new-setpatch 1) ( (message #setpatch-is-patched) ) ) (if (= #patch-file "") ( (message #setpatch-unknown) (set #patch-setpatch 0) ) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-setpatch 1) ( (if (= #new-setpatch 0) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/spatch -oT:SetPatch -p..MU..:Fixes/%s \"%s\"" #patch-file #setpatch-dest)) (if (exists "T:SetPatch") ( (copyfiles (prompt #copy-new-setpatch) (help #ask-patch-setpatch-help) (source "T:SetPatch") (dest (pathonly #setpatch-dest)) ) (delete "T:SetPatch" (safe)) ;note that SetPatch has now been updated (set #new-setpatch 1) ) (abort #setpatch-unknown) ) ) ) (copylib (prompt #copy-lib0x0) (help #ask-patch-setpatch-help) (source "..MU..:Libs/680x0.library") (dest #lib0x0-dest) ) (set #lib0x0-installed 1) ) ) ;==Install the processor libraries============================================= (complete 22) ; ; ask the user whether to install the mmu.lib based processor libraries ; ; try to check whether it makes sense to install the 68020/68030 (set #allow-020 0) ;does it make sense to allow 68020/68030.lib (set #install-proc 1) ;install processor libraries? (set #proc-dest (tackon #target "LIBS")) ;where to install them? (set #cpu-mask 0) ;which libraries to install? ; ; This *requires* a new setpatch. Otherwise, the 020-libs are never loaded. ; (if (= #new-setpatch 1) (set #allow-020 1) ) (if (= #allow-020 1) ( (if (= "68020" #cpu) (set #cpu-mask 1) ) (if (= "68030" #cpu) (set #cpu-mask 2) ) ) ) (if (= "68040" #cpu) (set #cpu-mask 4) ) (if (= "68060" #cpu) (set #cpu-mask 8) ) (if (= #allow-020 1) ( ;68020 and 68030 are an option (if (> #user-level 1) ( (set #cpu-mask (askoptions (prompt #which-proclibs) (help #copy-proclib-help) (default #cpu-mask) (choices "68020" "68030" "68040" "68060") ) ) ) ) (if (= #cpu-mask 0) (set #install-proc 0) ) ) ( ;only 68040 or 68060 library could possibly be installed ;do not give options, but just install the one and only library ;which is useful. (if (= #cpu-mask 0) ( (set #install-proc 0) ) ( (set #install-proc (askbool (prompt #ask-proclib) (help #copy-proclib-help) (default #install-proc) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) ) ) ) (complete 24) (if (= #install-proc 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #proc-dest (askdir (prompt #ask-proclib-dest) (help #copy-proclib-help) (default #proc-dest) ) ) ) (if (= #proc-dest "") (set #install-proc 0) ) ) ;now copy the selected libraries. ;note that we do NOT use copylib as we want to replace libraries with ;higher version numbers ;(P5 is V46, even though this version number is an euphemism) ; (if (= #install-proc 1) ( (if (> (bitand #cpu-mask 1) 0) (P_COPYCPU "68020") ) (if (> (bitand #cpu-mask 2) 0) (P_COPYCPU "68030") ) (if (> (bitand #cpu-mask 4) 0) (P_COPYCPU "68040") ) (if (> (bitand #cpu-mask 8) 0) (P_COPYCPU "68060") ) ) ) ;==Setup an MMU-Configuration================================================== (complete 27) ; ; check whether we need an MMU-Configuration file. If so, generate it now. ; This is required if some mmu.library based libraries are present (if (= #proc-dest "") (set #proc-dest (tackon #target "LIBS")) ) (set #need-mmuconfig 0) (set #mmuconfig-exists 0) (set #config-path (tackon #target "Prefs/Env-Archive")) ;the following sets the #need-mmuconfig variable as side effect (P_MMUVERSION "68020.library") (P_MMUVERSION "68030.library") (P_MMUVERSION "68040.library") (P_MMUVERSION "68060.library") ; If we found a MuLib processor library, the BVision driver ; must be fixed as well. (if (= #need-mmuconfig 1) ( (set #mulib-proclibs 1) (set #need-bcvisionfix 1) ) ) (if (exists (tackon #target "Prefs/Env-Archive/MMU-Configuration")) ( (set #mmuconfig-exists 1) (set #need-mmuconfig 0) ) ) (if (exists (tackon #target "Devs/MMU-Configuration")) ( (set #mmuconfig-exists 1) (set #config-path (tackon #target "Devs")) (set #need-mmuconfig 0) ) ) ;ask the expert user if our choice is all right (if (> #user-level 1) (if (= #mmuconfig-exists 1) (set #need-mmuconfig (askbool (prompt #overwrite-config) (help #build-config-help) (default #need-mmuconfig) (choices #yes #no) ) ) (set #need-mmuconfig (askbool (prompt #build-config) (help #build-config-help) (default #need-mmuconfig) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) ) ;now ask the expert where to put the file if we need it (if (= #need-mmuconfig 1) ( (if (> #user-level 1) (set #config-path (askdir (prompt #ask-config-dest) (help #ask-config-help) (default #config-path) ) ) ) (if (= #config-path "") (set #need-mmuconfig 0) ) ) ) (if (= #need-mmuconfig 1) ( (if (= #p5mode 1) (set #config-source "..MU..:Envarc/MMU-Configuration.P5") (set #config-source "..MU..:Envarc/MMU-Configuration") ) (copyfiles (prompt #config-copy) (source #config-source) (dest #config-path) (newname "MMU-Configuration") ) ;in P5 mode, "P5Init" must be copied as well. (if (= #p5mode 1) ( (if (not (exists (tackon #proc-dest "MMU"))) (makedir (tackon #proc-dest "MMU")) ) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:Libs/MMU/P5Init") (dest (tackon #proc-dest "MMU")) ) ) ) ) ) ;==Install BPPCFix============================================================= (complete 30) ; ; check whether we need to run BPPCFix to replace the ROM-resident ; P5 libraries by the MMU-Libraries. (set #need-bppcfix 0) (set #bppc-reboot 1) (set #bppcline "BPPCFix Install") ; ; Now check whether we need to include a reboot. ; This goes for i) SetPatch is older than V43 ; or ii) NOROMUPDATES is set. ; First, we need to locate the startup-sequence (set #startup-path (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence")) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #startup-path (askfile (prompt #where-startup) (help #where-startup-help) (default #startup-path) ) ) ) (if (= #startup-path "") (set #startup-path (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence")) ) (if (= #requires-reboot 0) ;assumption: new SetPatch found so far ( ;the following line-noise will filter the startup sequence (if (= 5 (run ("..MU..:Install/SED TO NIL: FROM \"%s\" MATCH \"(#[~;][/: \\t]|)SetPatch+[ \\t](|+[~;]+[ \\t])NOROMUPDATE([; \\t]#?|)\"" #startup-path) (safe))) (set #requires-reboot 1) ;SetPatch run with NOROMUPDATES here. ) ) ) ; The BPPCFix is required if either the ppc.library is in ROM ; or the 68040/68060 library is in ROM. (if (= #libresident 1) ( (set #need-bppcfix 1) (set #bppcline "BPPCFix Install") ) ) (if (= #remproc 1) ( (set #need-bppcfix 1) (set #bppcline "BPPCFix Install 040") ) ) ; ; Add a reboot if this is required. (if (= #requires-reboot 1) (set #bppcline (cat #bppcline " Reboot")) ) ; Now ask the expert user whether this is ok. (if (> #user-level 1) (set #need-bppcfix (askbool (prompt #install-bppcfix) (help #install-bppcfix-help) (default #need-bppcfix) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) ;Ask the expert about the BPPC command line (if (= #need-bppcfix 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #bppcline (askstring (prompt #set-bppcline) (help #set-bppcline-help) (default #bppcline) ) ) ) ) (if (= #bppcline "") (set #need-bppcfix 0) ) ;Ask the Expert user where to install the BPPCFix (set #bppcfix-path (tackon #target "C")) (if (= #need-bppcfix 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #bppcfix-path (askdir (prompt #where-bppcfix) (help #where-bppcfix-help) (default #bppcfix-path) (newpath) ) ) ) ) (if (= #bppcfix-path "") (set #need-bppcfix 0) ;...else... (set #bppcline (tackon #bppcfix-path #bppcline)) ) ;If we still need to run bppcfix, prepend its command line to the startup-sequence (if (= #need-bppcfix 1) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:Install/BPPCFix") (dest #bppcfix-path) ) (run ("echo >t:__bppcfix_line__ \"%s\"" #bppcline) (safe)) ; the following line copies the Startup sequence to t: removing ; all references to BPPCFix (run ("..MU..:Install/Sed FROM \"%s\" MATCH \"{(#[~;][/: \\t]|)BPPCFix([ ,\\t]#?|)}\" CHANGE \";{1}\" TO t:__tempfile__" #startup-path) (safe)) (run ("c:join t:__bppcfix_line__ t:__tempfile__ to \"%s\"" #startup-path)) (run ("c:delete t:__bppcfix_line__ t:__tempfile__ QUIET") (safe)) ;As the BPPCFix covers now the reboot, we don't need to do it. (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) ;==Install the BVision fix===================================================== (complete 35) ; ; check whether the P5/CGfx BVision monitor driver is in DEVS:Monitors. ; If it is and we use the MuLib based processor libraries, we must ; hack it to call the p5emu.library instead of the 68040/68060 library. ; ; The #need-bcvisionfix variable has been set above already. (set #bvision-dest (tackon #target "Devs/Monitors/BVisionPPC")) (set #cvision-dest (tackon #target "Devs/Monitors/CVisionPPC")) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #need-bcvisionfix (askbool (prompt #fix-bvision) (help #fix-bcvision-help) (default #need-bcvisionfix) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #need-bcvisionfix 1) (if (> #user-level 1) ( (set #bvision-dest (askfile (prompt #where-bvision) (help #where-bvision-help) (default #bvision-dest) ) ) (set #cvision-dest (askfile (prompt #where-cvision) (help #where-cvision-help) (default #cvision-dest) ) ) ) ) ) (if (= #need-bcvisionfix 0) ( (set #bvision-dest "") (set #cvision-dest "") ) ( (if (not (exists #bvision-dest)) (set #bvision-dest "") ) (if (not (exists #cvision-dest)) (set #cvision-dest "") ) ) ) (if (NOT (= #bvision-dest "")) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/PatchString \"%s\" 68040.library p5emu.library" #bvision-dest)) (run ("..MU..:Fixes/PatchString \"%s\" 68060.library p5emu.library" #bvision-dest)) ) ) (if (NOT (= #cvision-dest "")) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/PatchString \"%s\" 68040.library p5emu.library" #cvision-dest)) (run ("..MU..:Fixes/PatchString \"%s\" 68060.library p5emu.library" #cvision-dest)) ) ) ;==Install the MuTools========================================================= (complete 37) ; ; ask the user about various tool files ; ; Define some mask values for convenience and for simpler ; reference. (set #mufastrom-mask 1) (set #mufastzero-mask 2) (set #mumove4k-mask 4) (set #muscan-mask 8) (set #muforce-mask 16) (set #mga-mask 32) (set #muomniscsi-mask 64) (set #musetcache-mask 128) (set #mufastchip-mask 256) (set #muevd-mask 512) (set #mulocklib-mask 1024) (set #mulink-mask 2048) (set #mmuguide-mask 4096) (set #muprotect-mask 8192) (set #toolmask #mufastrom-mask) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #muscan-mask)) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mmuguide-mask)) ; ; Install MuForce, MGA, MuLink,... only in expert mode (if (> #user-level 1) ( (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #muforce-mask)) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mga-mask)) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #musetcache-mask)) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mulink-mask)) ) ) ; Install MuFastChip, MuLockLib only if no MuLib based processor libraries ; doesn't make sense otherwise. ; (set #run-mufastchip 0) ;run it not by default (if (= #mulib-proclibs 0) ( (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mulocklib-mask)) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mufastchip-mask)) ; ;doesn't make sense on 030 or 020. (if (= #cpu "68040") (set #run-mufastchip 1) ) (if (= #cpu "68060") (set #run-mufastchip 1) ) ) ;...else... ; Install MuFastZero only if MuLib based processor libs are in ; since P5 libs do this by default (I don't, I'm too careful!) ( (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mufastzero-mask)) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mumove4k-mask)) ) ) ) ; Install MuOmniSCSIPatch only if the omniscsi-device is found ; (if (= (run "..MU..:Install/FindDevice omniscsi.device" (safe)) 0) ( (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #muomniscsi-mask)) ) ) ; Now ask the user whether the choice is fine. ; (set #toolmask (askoptions (prompt #pick-mutools) (help #pick-mutools-help) (choices "MuFastRom" "MuFastZero" "MuMove4K" "MuScan" "MuForce" "MuGuardianAngel" "MuOmniSCSIPatch" "MuSetCacheMode" "MuFastChip" "MuEVD" "MuLockLib" "MuLink" "MMU.guide" "MuProtectModules" ) (default #toolmask) ) ) ; ; Query destionation for guides and files, but only if we have toolmasks ; (set #mutool-path (tackon #target "MuTools")) (if (<> #toolmask 0) ( (set #mutool-path (askdir (prompt #where-mutools) (help #where-mutools-help) (default #mutool-path) (newpath) ) ) ) ) (if (= #mutool-path "") (set #toolmask 0) (if (not (exists #mutool-path)) ;note that this is in the else-part (makedir #mutool-path (infos)) ) ) (set #mutool-guide-path #mutool-path) (complete 39) (if (<> #toolmask 0) ( (set #mutool-guide-path (askdir (prompt #where-mutool-guide) (help #where-mutool-guide-help) (default #mutool-guide-path) (newpath) ) ) ) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (if (not (exists #mutool-guide-path)) (makedir #mutool-guide-path (infos)) ) ) ;Now, one after another, install all the tools and documentation. ;==Install MuFastROM=========================================================== (complete 42) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mufastrom-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastROM") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastROM.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) (set #run-mufastrom 1) (set #run-mufastrom (askbool (prompt #startup-mufastrom) (help #startup-mufastrom-help) (default 1) (choices #yes #no) ) ) (set #mufastrom-cmd "On Protect >NIL:") (if (= #run-mufastrom 1) (startup "MuFastROM" (prompt (cat #startup-mufastrom-go "MuFastRom " #mufastrom-cmd)) (help #startup-mufastrom-help) (command ("%s %s" (tackon #mutool-path "MuFastRom") #mufastrom-cmd)) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuFastZero========================================================== (complete 45) (set #run-mumove4k 0) ;for later, possibly set to 1 (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mufastzero-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastZero") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastZero.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) (set #run-mufastzero 1) (set #mufastzero-cmd "ON") (complete 46) ;ask whether it is ok to run it on startup (set #run-mufastzero (askbool (prompt #startup-mufastzero) (help #startup-mufastzero-help) (default 1) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ;in expert mode, query more startup options (if (and (> #user-level 1) (= #run-mufastzero 1)) ( ;remap exec as well? (if (= 1 (askbool (prompt #remap-exec) (help #remap-exec-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ( (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #mumove4k-mask)) (set #run-mumove4k 1) (set #mufastzero-cmd (cat #mufastzero-cmd " FastExec")) ) ) ;remap the SSP? (if (= 1 (askbool (prompt #remap-ssp) (help #remap-ssp-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no) ) ) (set #mufastzero-cmd (cat #mufastzero-cmd " MoveSSP")) ) ) ) (set #mufastzero-cmd (cat #mufastzero-cmd " >NIL:")) (if (= #run-mufastzero 1) (startup "MuFastZero" (prompt (cat #startup-mufastzero-go "MuFastZero " #mufastzero-cmd)) (help #startup-mufastzero-help) (command ("%s %s" (tackon #mutool-path "MuFastZero") #mufastzero-cmd)) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuMove4K============================================================ (complete 47) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mumove4k-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuMove4K") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuMove4K.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) (set #mumove4k-cmd "MuMove4K") (if (= #p5mode 1) (set #mumove4k-cmd (cat #mumove4k-cmd " A1200")) ) ;if we require a reboot, do it now. (if (= #requires-reboot 0) (set #mumove4k-cmd (cat #mumove4k-cmd " NoReboot")) ) (complete 49) ;ask whether we should run it. (if (> #user-level 1) (set #run-mumove4k (askbool (prompt #startup-mumove4k) (help #startup-mumove4k-help) (default #run-mumove4k) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (set #include-prep 0) ;check whether PrepareEmul is run on the startup-sequence ; (if (= 5 (run ("..MU..:Install/SED TO NIL: FROM \"%s\" MATCH \"(#[~;][/: \\t]|)(MuMove4K[ ,\\t]#?|)PrepareEmul([ ,\\t]#?|)\"" #startup-path) (safe))) (set #include-prep 1) ) (complete 51) ;ask whether we should include the prepareemul-feature ; (if (= #run-mumove4k 1) ( (if (= 1 (askbool (prompt #prepareemul) (help #prepareemul-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no) ) ) (set #mumove4k-cmd (cat #mumove4k-cmd " PrepareEmul")) ) ) ) (complete 53) ;ask the expert user if the startup line is ok (if (= #run-mumove4k 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #mumove4k-cmd (askstring (prompt #edit-mumove4k) (help #edit-mumove4k-help) (default #mumove4k-cmd) ) ) ) ) (if (= #mumove4k-cmd "") (set #run-mumove4k 0) ) (complete 55) ;if we still need to run MuMove4K, install it now (if (= #run-mumove4k 1) ( (set #mumove4k-cmd (tackon #mutool-path #mumove4k-cmd)) (run ("echo >t:__mumove4k_line__ \"%s\"" #mumove4k-cmd) (safe)) ; the following line copies the Startup sequence to t: removing ; all references to MuMove4k and PrepareEmul (run ("..MU..:Install/Sed FROM \"%s\" MATCH \"{(#[~;][/: \\t]|)(MuMove4k|PrepareEmul)([ ,\\t]#?|)}\" CHANGE \";{1}\" TO t:__tempfile__" #startup-path) (safe)) (run ("c:join t:__mumove4k_line__ t:__tempfile__ to \"%s\"" #startup-path)) (run ("c:delete t:__mumove4k_line__ t:__tempfile__ QUIET") (safe)) ;As the MuMove4k covers now the reboot, we don't need to do it. (set #requires-reboot 0) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuScan============================================================== (complete 57) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muscan-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuScan") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuScan.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuGuardianAngel===================================================== (complete 60) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mga-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuGuardianAngel") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuGuardianAngel_Off") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuGuardianAngel.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;If MGA is run, we need to install MuForce as well ; (set #toolmask (bitor #toolmask #muforce-mask)) (complete 62) ;now check whether we need to run FixCybAccess or FixP5Scsi ; (set #need-cybfix 0) (set #need-fixp5scsi 0) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice cybscsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice z3scsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice 2060scsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice 2040scsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice 1260scsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice 1240scsi.device") (safe))) (set #need-cybfix 1) (set #need-fixp5scsi 1) ) ;this fix might require updateting to more P5 crap... ; (if (> #user-level 1) (set #need-cybfix (askbool (prompt #ask-cybfix) (help #ask-cybfix-help) (default #need-cybfix) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (set #cybfix-path (tackon #target "C")) (set #where-string #where-cybfix) (set #fixstring "FixCybAccess") (set #gostring "FixCybAccess >NIL:") (set #startupcmd "FixCybAccess") (if (= #need-fixp5scsi 1) ( (set #where-string #where-fixp5scsi) (set #fixstring "FixP5Scsi") (set #gostring "FixP5Scsi >NIL:") (set #startupcmd "FixP5Scsi") ) ) ; ;ask the user where to put it ; (if (and (= #need-cybfix 1) (> #user-level 1)) (set #cybfix-path (askdir (prompt #where-string) (help #ask-cybfix-help) (default #cybfix-path) (newpath) ) ) ) (if (= #cybfix-path "") (set #need-cybfix 0) ) (if (= #need-cybfix 1) (startup #fixstring (prompt (cat #startup-cybfix-go #gostring)) (help #ask-cybfix-help) (command ("run <>NIL: %s >NIL:" (tackon #cybfix-path #startupcmd))) ) ) (complete 64) ;now check for the IPrefs stack size increasement patch ; (set #iprefs (tackon #target "C/IPrefs")) (set #patch-iprefs 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #patch-iprefs (askbool (prompt #ask-iprefs-patch) (help #where-iprefs-help) (default #patch-iprefs) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-iprefs 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #iprefs (askfile (prompt #where-iprefs) (help #where-iprefs-help) (default #iprefs) ) ) ) ) (if (= #iprefs "") (set #patch-iprefs 0) ) (if (= #patch-iprefs 1) ( (if (not (exists #iprefs)) (set #patch-iprefs 0) (if (<> (+ (* 40 65536) 7) (getversion #iprefs)) ;is it iprefs 40.7 (set #patch-iprefs 0) ) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-iprefs 1) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/SPatch -ot:__tempfile__ -p..MU..:Fixes/IPrefs.pch \"%s\"" #iprefs) (safe)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") ( (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ \"%s\"" #iprefs)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__ QUIET") (safe)) ) ) ) ) (complete 66) ;now check for the narrator stack size increasement patch ; (set #narrator (tackon #target "DEVS/narrator.device")) (set #patch-narrator 0) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #patch-narrator (askbool (prompt #ask-narrator-patch) (help #where-narrator-help) (default #patch-narrator) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-narrator 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #narrator (askfile (prompt #where-narrator) (help #where-narrator-help) (default #narrator) ) ) ) ) (if (= #narrator "") (set #patch-narrator 0) ) (if (= #patch-narrator 1) ( (if (not (exists #narrator)) (set #patch-narrator 0) (if (<> (+ (* 37 65536) 7) (getversion #narrator)) ;is it iprefs 40.7 (set #patch-narrator 0) ) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-narrator 1) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/SPatch -ot:__tempfile__ -p..MU..:Fixes/narrator.device.pch \"%s\"" #narrator) (safe)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") ( (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ \"%s\"" #narrator)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__ QUIET") (safe)) ) ) ) ) (complete 68) ;now check for the mfm.device stack size increasement patch ; (set #mfm (tackon #narrator "DEVS/mfm.device")) (set #patch-mfm 0) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #patch-mfm (askbool (prompt #ask-mfm-patch) (help #where-mfm-help) (default #patch-mfm) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-mfm 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #mfm (askfile (prompt #where-mfm) (help #where-mfm-help) (default #mfm) ) ) ) ) (if (= #mfm "") (set #patch-mfm 0) ) (if (= #patch-mfm 1) ( (if (not (exists #mfm)) (set #patch-mfm 0) (if (<> (+ (* 40 65536) 9) (getversion #narrator)) ;is it iprefs 40.7 (set #patch-mfm 0) ) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-mfm 1) ( (run ("..MU..:Fixes/SPatch -ot:__tempfile__ -p..MU..:Fixes/mfmdev.pch \"%s\"" #mfm) (safe)) (if (exists "t:__tempfile__") ( (run ("C:Copy t:__tempfile__ \"%s\"" #mfm)) (run ("C:Delete t:__tempfile__ QUIET") (safe)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuForce============================================================= (complete 70) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muforce-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuForce") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuForce_Window") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuForce_Off") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuForce.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuOmniSCSIPatch===================================================== (complete 72) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muomniscsi-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuOmniSCSIPatch") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuOmniSCSIPatch.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;run this in the startup-sequence? ; (set #run-muomni 0) (if (= 0 (run ("..MU..:Install/FindDevice omniscsi.device") (safe))) (set #run-muomni 1) ) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #run-muomni (askbool (prompt #fix-omniscsi) (help #fix-omniscsi-help) (default #run-muomni) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #run-muomni 1) (startup "MuOmniSCSIPatch" (prompt (cat #startup-omniscsi-go "MuOmniSCSIPatch >NIL:")) (help #fix-omniscsi-help) (command ("%s >NIL:" (tackon #mutool-path "MuOmniSCSIPatch"))) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuSetCacheMode====================================================== (complete 75) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #musetcache-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuSetCacheMode") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuSetCacheMode.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuFastChip========================================================== (complete 77) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mufastchip-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastChip") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuFastChip.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;run-mufastchip was setup at the tool ;selection window. ; (if (> #user-level 1) (set #run-mufastchip (askbool (prompt #ask-mufastchip) (help #ask-mufastchip-help) (default #run-mufastchip) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #run-mufastchip 1) (startup "MuFastChip" (prompt (cat #startup-mufastchip-go "MuFastChip ON >NIL:")) (help #ask-mufastchip-help) (command ("%s ON >NIL:" (tackon #mutool-path "MuFastChip"))) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuProtectModules======================================================= (complete 79) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muprotect-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuProtectModules") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuProtectModules.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;run-muprotectmodules was setup at the tool ;selection window. ; (if (> #user-level 1) (set #run-muprotect (askbool (prompt #ask-muprotect) (help #ask-muprotect-help) (default #run-muprotect) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #run-muprotect 1) (startup "MuProtectModules" (prompt (cat #startup-muprotect-go "MuProtectModules ON >NIL:")) (help #ask-muprotect-help) (command ("%s ON >NIL:" (tackon #mutool-path "MuProtectModules"))) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuEVD=============================================================== (complete 81) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muevd-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuEVD") (dest #mutool-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuEVD.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;now as the user whether to install MuEVD in the shapeshifter ;directory. (set #shsh-install (askbool (prompt #ask-muevd) (help #ask-muevd-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no) ) ) (if (= #shsh-install 1) (set #shsh-path (askdir (prompt #where-muevd) (help #ask-muevd-help) (default #target) ) ) ) (if (= #shsh-path "") (set #shsh-install 0) ) (if (= #shsh-install 1) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuEVD.guide") (dest #shsh-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ;Now copy the preferences ; (if (= #config-path "") (set #config-path (tackon #target "Prefs/Env-Archive")) ) (if (= #shsh-install 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #shsh-install (askbool (prompt #ask-muevdset) (help #ask-muevdset-help) (default #shsh-install) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) ) (if (= #shsh-install 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #config-path (askdir (prompt #where-muevdset) (help #ask-muevdset-help) (default #config-path) ) ) ) ) (if (= #config-path "") (set #shsh-install 0) ) (if (= #shsh-install 1) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:EnvArc/MuEVD.prefs") (dest #config-path) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuLockLib=========================================================== (complete 83) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mulocklib-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuLockLib") (dest #mutool-path) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuLockLib.readme") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) (if (= #mulib-proclibs 1) (set #need-mulocklib 0) ;MuLib based libraries: MuLockLib not required (set #need-mulocklib 1) ;..else yes... ) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #need-mulocklib (askbool (prompt #ask-mulocklib) (help #ask-mulocklib-help) (default #need-mulocklib) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #need-mulocklib 1) (startup "MuLockLib" (prompt (cat #startup-mulocklib-go "MuLockLib >NIL:")) (help #ask-mulocklib-help) (command ("%s >NIL:" (tackon #mutool-path "MuLockLib"))) ) ) ) ) ;==Install MuLink============================================================== (complete 85) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mulink-mask) 0) ( (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuLink") (dest #mutool-path) ) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuOVLYMGR") (dest #mutool-path) ) (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") (copyfiles (source "..MU..:MuTools/MuLink.readme") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) ) ) ) ;==Install the MMU.guide======================================================= (complete 87) (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mmuguide-mask) 0) ( ;copy the mmu.guide and patch in the right path. (if (<> #mutool-guide-path "") ( (working #adapt-guide) (run ("..MU..:Install/SED FROM ..MU..:MMU.guide TO t:MMU.guide MATCH \"{#?}MuTools/{#?.guide/MAIN\\}#?}\" CHANGE \"{1}%s/{2}\"" #mutool-guide-path) (safe)) (run ("C:Copy ..MU..:MMU.guide.info to t:MMU.guide.info") (safe)) (copyfiles (source "t:MMU.guide") (dest #mutool-guide-path) (infos) (noposition) ) (run ("C:Delete t:MMU.guide t:MMU.guide.info QUIET") (safe)) ) ) ) ) ; ; all MuTools are now "in". ; ;==Install FastIEEE============================================================ (complete 90) ; ; Check whether we may install FastIEEE. This is the case ; for i) MuLib processor libraries and ii) not Carsten's 40.17 68060.library ; and iii) the mathieee version is not 45 (because it has FastIEEE build-in) ; (set #fastieee-possible 1) (if (= #mulib-proclibs 0) (set #fastieee-possible 0) ) (set #lib060 (tackon #target "LIBS/68060.library")) (set #libieee (tackon #target "LIBS/mathieeedoubbas.library")) (if (= #fastieee-possible 1) (if (= #cpu "68060") (if (exists #lib060) (if (= (+ (* 40 65536) 17) (getversion #lib060)) (set #fastieee-possible 0) ;Carsten doesn't do the fpsp.resource ) ) ) ) (if (= #fastieee-possible 1) (if (exists #libieee) (if (= 45 (/ (getversion #libieee) 65536)) (set #fastieee-possible 0) ;no need to add FastIEEE in V45 ) ) ) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #fastieee-possible (askbool (prompt #ask-fastieee) (help #ask-fastieee-help) (default #fastieee-possible) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (set #fastieee-dest (tackon #target "C")) (if (and (= #fastieee-possible 1) (> #user-level 1)) (set #fastieee-dest (askdir (prompt #where-fastieee) (help #ask-fastieee-help) (default #fastieee-dest) ) ) ) (if (= #fastieee-dest "") (set #fastieee-possible 0) ) (if (= #fastieee-possible 1) (copyfiles (source "..MU..:Install/FastIEEE") (dest #fastieee-dest) (files) ) ) (set #run-fastieee #fastieee-possible) (if (= #fastieee-possible 1) (set #run-fastieee (askbool (prompt #startup-fastieee) (help #ask-fastieee-help) (default #run-fastieee) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (set #fastieee-cmd (tackon #fastieee-dest "FastIEEE")) (if (= #run-fastieee 1) (startup "FastIEEE" (prompt (cat #startup-fastieee-go #fastieee-cmd)) (help #ask-fastieee-help) (command #fastieee-cmd) ) ) ; ;==Check for MMU patches======================================================= (complete 94) ; ; Checks now for some (but not all) popular MMU hacks and disables them ; (set #patch-check 1) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #patch-check (askbool (prompt #ask-patch-check) (help #ask-patch-check-help) (default #patch-check) (choices #yes #no) ) ) ) (if (= #patch-check 1) ( (set #user-path (tackon #target "S/User-Startup")) (if (> #user-level 1) (set #user-path (askfile (prompt #where-user) (help #where-user-help) (default #user-path) ) ) ) (if (= #user-path "") (set #user-path (tackon #target "S/User-Startup")) ) (working #replace-quickrom) (set #rplc "(QuickROM|(Set|)CPU+[ \\t](|+[~;]+[ \\t])FastROM)") (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mufastrom-mask) 0) ( (set #dest (tackon #mutool-path "MuFastROM \\>NIL: PROTECT ON;")) (P_PATCH_REPLACE) ) ( (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ) ) (complete 95) (working #replace-enforcer) (set #rplc "(Enforcer|CyberGuard)") (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #muforce-mask) 0) ( (set #dest (tackon #mutool-path "MuForce")) (P_PATCH_REPLACE) ) ( (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ) ) (complete 96) (working #replace-memsniff) (set #rplc "(GuardianAngel|MemSniff|MungWall|CyberPatcher|OxyPatcher|WipeOut)") (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ;this is done at MM4K installation already! ;(working #replace-prepemul) ;(set #rplc "PrepareEmul") ;(P_PATCH_REMOVE) (complete 97) (working #replace-setcachemode) (set #rplc "SetCacheMode") (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #musetcache-mask) 0) ( (set #dest (tackon #mutool-path "MuSetCacheMode")) (P_PATCH_REPLACE) ) ( (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ) ) (complete 98) (working #replace-speedychip) (set #rplc "SpeedyChip") (if (<> (bitand #toolmask #mufastchip-mask) 0) ( (set #dest (tackon #mutool-path "MuFastChip ON \\>NIL:;")) (P_PATCH_REPLACE) ) ( (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ) ) (complete 99) (working #replace-fastexec) (set #rplc "(FastExec|SetMemMode|SetFastAvec)") (P_PATCH_REMOVE) ) ) (complete 100) ;==we're done================================================================== ; (TERMINATE) (exit #exit-text)